Our Philosophy
Our dance program is a carefully curated journey that takes our students through a progression of steps. Level 1 leads to level 2. Each class builds a foundation for the next level.
As our students grow, the steps they learn are accompanied by the appropriate music that facilitates their learning and retention. The proper technique doesn’t depend on physical execution alone; it includes musicality, muscle memory and self-expression—all these elements develop and grow as a student progresses, finally creating the beautiful artistry that is the hallmark of a professional dancer. In fact, any child who takes this journey will have developed the skills and tools to be their best as a well-rounded individual who knows how to make their dreams come true.
We consider each child’s emotional development and physical maturity so we can provide a unique experience and a solid technical foundation. Our dance classes focus on correct body placement, movement coordination, use of space, good movement dynamics, artistry and musicality. As these develop through their dance lessons, the child develops a sense of pride, achievement and confidence as they see how much they can do and feel how rewarding working towards excellence feels.
Our students are encouraged to approach their dance lessons with self-discipline, respect, trust, integrity, care and an open mind to learning. These elements are the foundation of our dance school’s values. They are essential to maintaining a professional learning environment focused on the growth of each student as a dancer and an individual.
Because we are passionate about providing our students with optimal results, it’s highly recommended that students fulfill their commitment by completing the entire season (August to June). Your child deserves everything they need to become a healthy and happy individual; consistency can make a big difference in how well they receive, integrate and retain everything they are learning in dance class.
Consistency is also vital to successfully progress from level to level. Experience has taught us as dance educators that the students who maintain exceptional attendance during the season and throughout the summer get the most out of our dance programs. So we expect our students to follow through with outstanding attendance so they can be their best.
One of the greatest lessons we can teach our children is that working towards a goal with dedication and perseverance can produce excellent results despite the stumbles and obstacles that happen along the way. And our students have shown they can take this lesson into every part of their lives to achieve remarkable things.